Export Complete Google Search Console Data

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“How can I export more than 1,000 rows from Google Search Console interface?”
“Is it possible to export Google Search Console to other reporting tools?”
“How do I export all the URLs from Google Search Console?”

– Digital Marketer

Search Console is the tool to know about an SEO performance from Google search results. It provides metrics like clicks and the average position of a site. But Google Search Console export data is limited because the data is only up to 1,000 rows. You’re missing key insights. This guide illustrates how to export the missing data.

How To Export Data From Google Search Console

First, let’s export a standard report from Google Search Console. Exporting the data is easy. After adding users, let’s export search query data in this example. The below applies to page-level data as well.

1 – Go to your Google Search Console account.

2 – On the upper left, choose the Property. Make sure to choose the correct web property.

user gsc1

3 – Click ‘Performance’ or ‘Search results’ to open the performance report.

gsc1 openreport
gsc1 openreport1

4- Once inside, click ‘Queries’ for this example.

gsc1 openreport2

What’s the problem here?!
Scroll down and you see that the row of data is limited to 1,000. It’s the same when checking the data on a page-level also and this is a problem. Export the data on the upper right and the row of data for the Queries is also 1,000.

What if you’re an ecommerce site with thousands of product pages? What if you’re a publisher with thousands of search terms ranking on the pages?

gsc1 openreport3
gsc1 openreport4

If you go months back to collect more data, this is a bigger problem. SEO analysis is awful because the data is not enough. It’s quite ironic that the main Google tool is limited with features. SEO analysts need other alternatives.

So, what to do now?

3 Ways To Export Google Search Console Data 1,000+ Rows

There are three ways to export more than 1,000 rows from the Google Search Console API. Since Search Console data exports are limited, you may use the options below as a workaround. The guide below illustrates three options.

Option 1: Google Analytics (Free)

The first way to export data from Search Console is through Google Analytics. Google Analytics (or GA for short) is the web analytics tool in the Google ecosystem. GA integrates with GSC well.

1 – Open your Google Analytics report

2 – Go to Acquisition > Search Console > Queries

ga gsc queries

3 – Show rows beyond 1,000 on the lower right.

ga gsc queries2

This contains all search queries coming from GSC. From this dashboard, you can export all the data to a spreadsheet with the button on the upper right. Note that Google Analytics and Search Console should be integrated. In some cases, this dashboard might be empty which means GA and GSC are not connected yet.

Go to Property > All Products > Scroll down until you see Search Console. Click Link Search Console. Make sure you integrate the correct domain property from GSC to GA.

gachecklist property propertysetting
gachecklist property gsc
Admin > All Products > Search Console

Option 2: Google Looker Studio (Free)

Looker Studio is a free data visualization tool from Google. It integrates with other tools in the Google ecosystem including Google Search Console. Google Looker Studio gets data from the Google Search Console API and visualizes it on a dashboard.

Adding The Data Source

1 – Go to Google Looker Studio and log in with the same email.

data studio dashboard for seo

2 – Click “Create” from the top left. Then click “Data source”.

data source google data studio

3 – Search for “search console” and pick the choice.

data studio data source

4 – Once inside, choose the domain you want data from. This is the same domain from Google Search Console to get data from.

5 – Choose “Site impression” under Tables. Choose web as ‘Property Parameter’ if it’s there.

seo dashboard data source

6 – Name the data source.

7 – Click the “Connect” or “Add” button on the right side. This adds the data source in the Looker Studio internal drive.

8 – Click “Create Report”. You should have a prompt “Add to report” at the end.

data studio seo dashboard

Adding The Data Metric

You should now have an empty canvas for the dashboard. Now add metrics…

1 – Click “Add a control” from the top. Click “Date range control” and drag it on the canvas. Then select the date range go back as far as 6 months if needed.

data range control google data studio

2- Click “Add a chart” from the top. Click the first Table and drag it on the canvas.

gds gsc queries1

3 – Click the added table. On the navigation pane on the right side, select Query as a dimension. Then select Impressions as a metric.

gds gsc queries2

Check the end of the chart table. You see more than 1,000 rows of data. For an SEO analyst, this is a great alternative to get complete keyword data. Click the three dots to export the data to a spreadsheet.

gds gsc queries3
gds gsc queries4

What’s great about doing this option is you can do data visualization. Using the features of this free tool, you can create an interactive SEO dashboard in Looker Studio.

Option 3: Google Sheets with Add-On (Paid)

Another way to export Google Search Console data is through Google Sheets add-ons. These add-ons are most likely paid add-ons for extra features. As mentioned, you can do it (for free) to save money. But you might want to spend a little bit to save time. You choose.

You’ll use Two Minute Reports for this example. TMR imports data from the Google Search Console API to Google Sheets in minutes. No required coding skills.

Installing the Add-on

1 – Go to your Google Drive workspace.

2 – Click ‘ + New’ then create a new Google Sheets file.

tmr 0
tmr 00

3 – At the top of your file, click on Extensions. Then click on Add-ons. Then click on Get add-ons.

sheets 01

4 – Search for Two Minute Reports. Then install it.

tmr 1

5 – You now have the add-on installed on your Google Sheets workspace.

sheets tmr 01

Adding The Data Source

1 – Launch the add-on. A navigation pane on the right side appears.

tmr 15

2 – Click Add + under Data Sources.

tmr 4

3 – Name your data source. Then select Google Search Console.

tmr gscsource1

4 – Sign in with the Google account where Search Console is linked to. Go through the login process until the tool instructs you to close the window.

tmr gscsource2
ga4 to sheets 03 template

Adding The Data Metric

This point in the process is importing data from the Google Search API to the spreadsheet.

1 – Click the burger icon. Then click Data Queries. And click ‘Add +’.

tmr 11

2 – Name your data query. Find the Google Search Console data source you imported earlier.

3 – ‘Save on Sheet’ is the location of the sheet where the data is imported to. Add A1 under Cell.

tmr gscsource3

4- Under ‘Query’, select the Search Console domain you want to get data from.

5 – Select the date range with whatever you need. Go back as far as 6 months if needed.

6 – Google Search Type: Web

7 – Dimensions: ‘Query’ for now as a test

8 – You may select extra Filters and Sort options like country or device type. You may leave them blank for now.

tmr gscsource4

9 – Click ‘Run query’

tmr gscsource5

Viola! You downloaded Google Search Console data to Google Sheets hassle-free. If you scroll down the spreadsheet, the row of data is more than 1,000. All your search queries from your GSC property are here.

Schedule Google Search Console Reports

Two Minute Reports has a scheduling feature. The spreadsheet refreshes the data automatically from the Google Search Console API. Reports are automated even more.

1 – Click the burger icon. Then click Schedule Refresh. And click ‘New +’.

tmr fb5

2 – Once inside, you can set the terms of the report schedule.

-Repeats -> Where you set how often the data refresh happens is here. Two Minute Reports can do hourly refreshes.

tmr li3

3 – You can also set the notification terms. Two Minute Reports can email you a PDF or Excel of the data. You can also decide to have the email contain the sheet content in the email body.

tmr fb7
tmr fb8

4 – Click ‘Save’.

Scheduling helps when you report on Google Search Console export data over time. No more copy and paste every day, or every week, or every month.

Conclusion: Export Data from Google Search Console

Search Console is the most important tool for SEO. But you can’t export a ton of data because GSC only exports 1,000 rows only. It’s tough to do data analysis with limited data. And Let’s face it’s quite annoying.

Don’t spend hours trying to make sense of the Google Search Console export data. Get complete data with a few clicks and improve SEO performance tracking in minutes.

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